Day 57

Eight weeks old

Robin was very awake and alert when Nicki arrived today. She breastfed him successfully, so much sit he only wanted 2/3rds of his top up bottle milk. It was a lot of work for him, and although he was tired, he stayed awake for another hour, listing to Nicki read to him and looking around at the world. After his big afternoon, he slept for most of the rest of it, so Nicki gave him gavage feeds & let him rest. Whist we want to encourage breastfeed as much as possible, he is still only 35 weeks (adjusted) and needs a balance of rest and practice.

Robin had some gas issues today. He spent most of the afternoon either asleep or trying to push out some farts. The nurses showed Nicki how to gently massage his tummy and move his legs around to help move the gas around. Poor little thing seemed quite uncomfortable, but hopefully he got some release later in the evening.

Eight weeks old today! Hard to believe it has been eight weeks since he rushed into the world. He has grown a huge 1.4kgs from his birth weight of 1.26kgs, and is now the size of a small newborn full term baby. He certainly is one of the bigger babies in SCBU, and has even outgrown some of his tiny clothes!

Visitors: none


Weight: 2670 gms

Feed: 55mls / three hourly (gavage / bottle) + supplementary breastfeed