Day 6

Moved to NICU2 – theoretically the same level of care, but generally for the less-at-risk babies.  Kangaroo cuddles with mum, plus a photo session to scale.

Still getting bradys (bradycardia): this can be an indication of imminent infection, but CPB test carried out showed negative. So probably just gulping too much air. Sleeping on tummy (prone) seems to help with this a lot.

Doctor’s briefing was quick… which was a good sign.

Feeds moved from 2mL/hour continuous to 4mL every 2 hours on intervals to try to reduce the amount of air getting into his stomach.

When lying on his tummy , Robin lifted his head up & turned it from left to right, which seems to be pretty advanced stuff, and certainly not something you’d expect from a frail child.

Nicki expressed over 100mL in a single session for the first time, after the cuddle.


Weight: 1200grams

Feeds: 4mL every 2 hours

Air: Optiflow 4L/min

Doctor: Naomi (Neonatal Fellow !)

Nurse: Melanie

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