Day 9

Growing under lights, SCBU candidate already.

Brady’s are still coming up sometimes but Robin is recovering himself most of the time.

His milk feeds have increased, to the point that he no longer needs intravenous lipids (fat). The only thing going into his arm now is the standard preterm dextrose & electrolytes booster. Dad gave him a feed through gavage after his change.

The main area of attention now is oxygenation – after bumping along the low end of ideal for a couple of days his gas mix has been upped to 22% Oxygen. Perversely this is resulting in peaks above the ideal 94% oxygenation.

Robin is also spending a bit more time under lights ro improve his bilirubens level (jaundice).

Even given this, he’s now a candidate to graduate to SCBU (special care baby unit) – which is amazing progress in only a few days, and a reflection of how well he’s been doing despite such an early start. The main thing keeping him in NICU is that there are no places available in SCBU with Optiflow.


Weight: 1230grams

Feeds: 10mL/2 hours

Optiflow: 3L/min – 22% mix

Nurse: Kerry-Anne