Day 12

Milestone! Back to birth weight!

At 1270 grams, Robin is back to his birth weight. Whilst all babies lose weight when they are born, it can take preemies a bit longer to gain it back, so we are thrilled he’s getting bigger! Must be all the great breast milk Nicki is expressing for him (even if she complains about getting up in the middle of the night – it’s for a good cause!)

Brain scan came back clear, so Nicki is looking into a career in pretend medical diagnosis.

We tried him on some liquid multivitamins, which smelled horrible. Robin agreed it was horrible, and so it didn’t stay down for very long. Better out than in apparently! We then had to change bedding, clothes and the tape holding his nasal gastric tube in :-/

Great Aunty Tania came for a visit and gave Robin some beautiful books, a blanket and a cute reindeer outfit, big enough for him to grow into by Christmas (size 0000). Thank you Tania! Xx


Weight: 1270 grams

Air: Optiflow 4L/min, 21%

Feed: 6 ml/hour continuous (perfuser)

Nurses: Camille, Lynne