Day 34

No news is good news

Very little happened today – no change to Robins condition or stats, apart from a weight gain. Robin is very stable, with little to no desats anymore. Hopefully this means we can try without optiflow again soon.

He has been given a new orange dummy to try – slightly bigger than the green one he has been using. Robin currently prefers the green one, so not quite really to move up a level. We’re hoping to give breastfeeding a try very soon, so getting his sucking practice in every day is important. We’re also increasing the use of his peanut pillow, to help shape his skull as it forms into a rounder shape.

Today Nicki changed Robin’s nappy a few times, fed him via gavage a few times, talked to him, talked to the nurses and other parents, and had an hour and a half skin to skin cuddle. Although there is nothing much to report, we are hoping for more peaceful days to come, where Robin can just focus on growing. He seems quite alert when he is awake, and likes to stare at the shapes and birds on the got cover Nicki made for him.

There is a baby next to us, who was born at 29 weeks, 6 days gestation, and currently weighs the same as when Robin was born. The other baby is only four days old, and is a powerful comparison – we can really see just how far a Robin has come in the month that he has been with us.

Visitors: Granny Suzy


Weight: 1820 grams

Air: Optiflow 2L/min, 21%

Feed: 24ml / two hourly (gavage)

Nurses: Debbie / Emma