Kyoto > Tokyo

Kyoto > Tokyo

We considered trying to go to another temple today before leaving Kyoto and heading to Tokyo, but it was going to be an hour train ride each way, and the temperature is very hot today. We didn’t think it was worth it to keep Robin out in the heat, and add another 2 hours on trains to the 3 hour Shinkansen trip today.

Instead, we had a nice sleep in, checked out of the hotel, then brunch at the station. Between the three of us, we have two suitcases, a rucksack, two back packs, a nappy bag and a pram. We both have to carry as much as possible to transport it all, but we manage ok. We got to the platform for the Shinkansen with 3 minutes to spare before the train arrived! By the time the train got to us though, Robin was over heating and cried a lot once we boarded until we could cool him down. Poor little guy doesn’t like the heat! Some nice people lent us their fan and we stripped him down to his nappy and singlet. He cooled down after a few minutes and then had a breastfeed and some sleep.

Once in Tokyo, we decided to head out for a late lunch / early dinner. In the lift on the way down was an American woman, who thought Robin was really cute and talked to him a bit. When we got out of the lift, there was a crowd of people wanting her autograph! Haha! No idea who she was, but some sort of celebrity was charmed by Robin.

We had a restful evening in the hotel, which was much needed for all of us after a very active few days. Robin in particular was glad to have a early night.