Sunday in sydney

Visits with friends

Robin slept better last night in the travel cot, but spent a few hours in bed with Nicki. This was due to the thunder storm that rolled through, and Robin got quite cold when the temp dropped. That was the last night in the hotel room, so everything was packed up and taken down to G&G Lees apartment in the morning. Nicki repurposed Robins bouncer chair into a frame to hang toys, so that Robin could lay on his back and have some things to look at, just like at home. He spent the morning trying to roll over, but isn’t quite there yet.

In the afternoon, the team went to visit the Cooks for afternoon tea, and their girls Elizabeth & Sarah, liked Robin a lot. Sarah in particular was very interested in every aspect of looki after him, including changing his nappy and breastfeeding. Both girls helped Nicki take Robin for a walk in the pram, and help him for a little while. Peter and Nicki enjoyed catching up with Nick & Fiona, and Nick’s parents also dropped by to say hello. The visit was over all too soon,mane it was time to head to the Sluis’s.

Jasmine, Kaylee, Nina and violet were all excited to see baby Robin again, and he gave them all a few smiles in return. The girls had some dinner, some stories and then the little ones went to bed. The grown ups and some dinner (pizza!) before the older Sluis girls put on a play! Then it was bedtime for the girls, and time for Nicki, Peter and Robin to head off as well.