Sydney day 1

Sydney day 1

Last night, we flew into Sydney, then picked up the rental car and drove to the Lees house. We got in fairly late (around 10pm) so we went to bed not to lob after we arrived. Robin was very good on the plane, and slept pretty well overnight.

Today, Peter went with his dad, Norman, to sort out storage for the furniture from the Westleigh house. The tenants had moved in yesterday and so we urgently needed to find somewhere to keep all our stuff! I stayed with Robin and Christine, where we had a nice day at home, and from a short walk.

For dinner, we went and visited the sluises, and took some colouring books and kinder surprises for the girls. The adults ordered pizza for dinner and we had a great catch up. Robin had a bit of a sleep, but was getting pretty tired after we had dinner. As we were preparing to leave, he said his first word: “mum”! He has been trying to say mum for a week or so, or getting pretty close, so it was lovely to hear him say it correctly and meaningfully.