Tokyo day 7
Today was Disney day! We got up early and had breakfast before heading on the hour long trip to Disney Sea. It’s a Disney theme park similar to Disneyland, but with different rides and attractions. I was very excited, Peter wasn’t really, and Robin had no idea what was going on.
As soon as we walked in, there was a big parade happening with loud music. We stayed a watched a bit, then headed to a steamboat ride that we could take Robin on. There are not a lot of rides that babies who can’t sit up can go on, but we were determined to find them all and try them! The stem boat went around the park and was very nice.
Whilst walked to the next attraction, some monkey characters appeared and started to play with Robin. they thought he was cute and he thought they were very entertaining! From there, we met Goofy, and had a picture taken. Robin absolutely loved goofy and his big eyes.
The best two rides were for grown ups, so Peter and I took turns, one going on the ride whilst the they looked after Robin. Luckily, they have a “single rider” line, which takes you through to the front of the line. So there wasn’t much waiting. We went on the Indiana jones ride and then a roller coaster.
The next area was an “Arabian” theme, and we had lunch then met Aladdin. Aladdin was also taken with how cute Robin was, and we were lucky enough to get a quick photo. Aladdin commented that Robin was “Abu” sized (the monkey from the movie). We also went on an indoor boat ride called “Sinbad” where the were hundreds of robotic dolls singing and dancing. The animatronics were very impressive, and Robin had huge eyes trying to take it all it. He was dancing and smiling the whole way through.
My favourite area was next, it was “The Little Mermaid” themed. We went on a spinning cup ride with Robin, then started to wait to see “king tritons concert” which indicated there was a 30 minute wait time. Two hours later, we finally got into the theatre!! We weren’t happy about the wait, but we did get good seats. The whole 15 minute show was in Japanese (even the songs from the movie!) Ariel was suspended from the ceiling and appeared to “swim” through the air. One of the puppets really caught Robins attention, so we bought him a toy of Flounder the fish when the show finished.
The “mysterious island” area was next, but the only ride that Robin could go on was temporarily broken. We moved on to the electric train, that took us to an area where they had a parents room. We fed and changed Robin, and then headed back out to the “medieval renaissance” area. Here, they had a castle that was filled with rooms of interesting things, like a huge model of the planets around the sun, that you could wind a crank and make them move, a “camera obscura” which reflected the actual stars in the sky, a pendulum time keeper and an illusion room with a pairing in it that appears different through a looking glass.
From here, we went back to the mysterious island, and the ‘20,000 leagues under the sea’ ride was back in operation. We took Robin, and he threw up on my whilst we were in the line. Whoops. I got cleaned up with Peters help, then we boarded the ‘submarine’ and enjoyed the ride.
By this stage, it was getting fairly late, so we looked around for somewhere to eat. It seemed that all the restaurants had closed for the night though. As we made our way to the exit, the final big show was on over the lake, and there were hundreds of thousands of people watching the lights, pyrotechnics and special effects. We stayed for a little bit, before I realised that all these people would be leaving at the same time, as soon as the show finished. Most of them would have to be catching the train and I didn’t want to get caught up in that! So we made a mad dash for the exit, and the 10 minute walk to the station. It seemed like a few other people had the same idea, but nothing compared to the 50,000+ that would have been coming 10 minutes later! Phew! It was a long day, but we had a lot of fun!
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