Week 1

First week – Christmas

Christmas eve with ur-Opa Susa, Ur-Oma Hannah, Poppy Roy and [great!] Auntie Tania.

Christmas day with Granny Suzy, [great!] Auntie Lyn, and Great-grandma Maureen.

First 2 of 3 home visits from Nurses showed great progress – gaining weight and no complications – and Robin settled in well to moving home, despite fears that he might miss all the noise & activity of SCBU.

Peter & Nicki were even able to stop in for Sushi at the local shopping centre, with Robin in a basinet on the table – he took the whole 3 hours shopping trip happily asleep.

Granny Suzy was also kind enough to babysit for a few hours to let Peter & Nicki see the new Star Wars film before the Internet gave away all the plot. Thanks!

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